Ruth Rathblott

CEO - HEAF | TEDx Speaker | DEI Expert and Strategist | Nonprofit CEO, HEAF

Women, Diversity and Inclusion | Diversity & Inclusion, Inspirational Stories, Author

Ruth Rathblott


Ruth Rathblott is a disability diversity expert on inclusion within organizations. She is an inspiring TEDx speaker, bestselling author, and an award-winning former  nonprofit leader. She was born with a limb difference and speaks with leaders on issues of equity and belonging, the gifts of being unique, and the freedom of accepting our differences. Ruth was profiled as a CEO in The New York Times’ Corner Office and received Goucher College’s Excellence in Public Service Award, among other awards, for her outstanding leadership in the nonprofit sector. She has spent her entire career focused on providing opportunities for those who have been underrepresented. She serves as a board member of The Lucky Fin Project.