Angel Hernandez

Founder and Life Coach, Get Sharp Coaching

Health & Wellness | Coaching, Mindfulness, Self-Development

Angel Hernandez


Angel Sharp is an entrepreneur, ICF certified coach, YouTuber and host of the Career Crisis & Coaching podcast. His expertise is on helping people gain clarity in their lives!

He has drawn on his life coaching training, academic background in philosophy, education in psychology and time spent living with Buddhist monastics. We eventually find ourselves at the crossroads, if not in our careers than in our relationships or in our life's philosophies. He was humbled at a young age, coming facing to face with death, exiting two serious relationships, quitting a soul sucking job and adopting a new religious paradigm.

We have fully embraced that no problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. Another way to phrase that might be, the answers to all our questions lie within. Today, clients utilize him to uncover answers that they couldn’t find elsewhere.